Have you ever missed a perfect opportunity and spent the whole rest of your week regretting that decision. I had that happen this week and it's really bothered me all week. Let me preface by saying life here for us just seems like it's none stop action. We have Awana, Gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do, homework, clubs at school, ladies bible study, etc, you get the point. It just never seems to end or slow down. So anyways, I take Lauren on Monday to gymnastics. Feeling stressed and tired, just not real happy to be there. Anyways, I'm sitting in this little tiny lobby full of moms also waiting and watching their daughters. When the two ladies next to me began catching up, from not seeing each other over the summer, and at first I was just minding my own business and trying not to listen to their conversations. But one of them just began to get very distressed and almost to the point of crying. As I began to listen she was saying how tired and stressed and just feed up with all that she was doing. And she kept saying, "why,am I doing all of this? Is it all worth this?" It just about broke my heart because I could just hear how worn she was. She was talking about her kids were in this and she worked here and how her husband worked two jobs so they could have all of these nice things and on and on she went. She explained how invisible she felt, like none of them knew she existed and she just kept repeating "is it really worth all of this?" I so badly wanted to wrap my arms around her and just hug her. I so badly wanted to jump into the conversation but not knowing either woman and not wanting them to think I was some kind of nut case, I just sat there and have regretted it every second since. I pray the Lord might allow my another chance next week. I just want her to know, your not alone, I understand how you feel. Yes, sometimes, most of the time, being a wife and mom is a Thankless, never ending, exhausting job, but man is it worth every second. I'm sure she was just having a really bad day, heck we all do for that matter. But I really wish I had not missed that chance to just encourage her. Saying, "For such a time as this..." No we may not be Queen Ester, who was placed there to save a nation but we have been placed here for this time and this place, for this household. I may not can see what it's worth right now but I know in my heart of hearts that it's worth every frustration, every tear, every gray hair, every sleepless night, every dollar that could have been made, to be here, "for such a time as this." I feel so blessed that God has called me to, in my opion, the ultimate job in the world, WIFE & MOM!!! So I don't want to miss this opportunity to tell all of you mothers that might be reading this rambling of another tired mom, IT'S WORTH IT ALL!!! No, not one of us is perfect and is doing it all perfectly (I've already set up a therapy fund for each of the kids, ha ha ha..) but we all are doing the very very very best that we can and it's worth it all. It's so worth it when you here your four year old thanking God for the pool man because he's so happy he keeps our pool clean or you hold a fussing baby and they finally surrender to complete rest in your arms or you see your six year old son run to open the door for the ladies in front of us as we enter a store. All those little details that we forget about in the tornado of life are all worth it! I'm taking a Beth Moore bible study and we are studying Abram right now. One of the things that really hit home and really tied into how I was feeling about all of this, was Abram made a few bad choices along his journey with God, as we ALL do. If you think about it those few bad choices, it could have affected an entire nation, that's you and I. But because he always came back to God and said, "hey, I messed up again." God was faithful and built a nation out of his children. WE have no idea what God has in store for our children. He may be building a nation out of them. A Nation.... So can we really say, "it's not worth it????" I sure hope not. I hope you can be encouraged today and Thank God for every blessing He's given you today and know deep down, IT'S ALL WORTH IT!!!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tae Kwon Do....
Posted by Misty at 9:28 AM 3 comments
All my teeth...
Posted by Misty at 9:22 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
Spirit Day...
Posted by Misty at 2:34 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Little Boy Wisdom....
This morning, Allen and I went for our morning walk. We've started walking every morning after we drop off the big kids as school. Anyways, as we walked, here came the trash truck. Allen inquisitively asked about it. So I told him how the trash men come to collect our trash for us. He watched them very closely and he very excitedly said, "oh mom, that's what I want to be when I grow up, can I mom?" I said, well that would be okay, I guess. He said, very seriously and matter of fact, "oh that would be so fun, you could be stinky all the time and I looovvveee to be stinky." I said, "why do you think they are so stinky?" He said, very put out like I was just about as stupid as they come, "mom, they are picking up our stinky trash." Like "Hello"... I couldn't help but chuckle at his profound wisdom. He was so excited and you could tell he just thought that would be the greatest job ever. So I'll be so excited for my son whom will be the stinky trash man... Oh well, somebody has to do it, huh? Mine as well be someone who will enjoy it's wonderful, many perks! :) LOL
Posted by Misty at 9:21 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Little Stinker....
Posted by Misty at 9:50 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
Lucky Girl....
Good Morning all, I hope you had a great weekend. I surely did... I am one lucky girl this morning. William and I got to get away by ourselves for the whole weekend. With NOT one kid. We haven't done that since January 2004. So it was a much needed break. I wasn't really sure about leaving Landon for that long but I enjoyed every second of it. My wonderful wonderful husband surprised me with reservations at the Reunion Tower, which for those of you who don't know, is the big Ball Restaurant you see down town Dallas. It was absolutely fantastic. It's like a one time deal, ya know. Not like you can afford to eat like that more than once a life time. But it was so wonderful. The food was phenomenal and the view was spectacular. It was really neat to see all of Dallas like that and especially when the sun went down. He got some sweetheart getaway package deal. So we also stayed the night there. Oh man was that wonderful. I've never slept so good. The bed was something else. We also went to the Sixth Street Museum (the JFK Museum). That was very interesting. It was neat to learn more about it all. I didn't really know that much other than the basics. Then, on Saturday William took me to Granbury, Texas. There's all kinds of neat shops to visit and then that evening we went to a 50's show (like a Branson show, but on a smaller version). It was nice as well. Best of all though was that hotel room had a Jacuzzi in it. That was super nice. I tried to be all romantic and lite a bunch of candles and then had the bright idea of adding bubbles. Yeah! not so bright. Don't do that. I just added a tiny bit but as you can imagine they kept growing and growing. William and I had too laugh. All we could do was keep trying to keep them all off the floor. I finally said, well it would be nice if I could see you. But the bubbles took over. Even though, it was still romantic. It was the thought that counted, I guess. I just have the best husband ever. He's wonderful! I can truly say He's my very best friend and the complete love of my life. I could absolutely want for nothing more. Through all the tough times we've had in the last few years, he has 100% stood by me, held me up when needed and encouraged me to keep going and continue being the best I can be. It's not been easy and there's been times I've wanted to give up but He's been right behind me cheering me on. God has so richly blessed me. Oh, and yes, Williams parents survived the kids. And they were not waiting in the car when we got here either. (We joked all weekend that we might find them waiting in the car when we got home.) They all seemed to have a great time together. And as usual, my house was spic and span when I returned, with all laundry done and ready to go. How lucky am I? I also have a wonderful mother-in-law. She almost always leaves my house way cleaner than when she came. She's a jewel. Anyways, just thought I'd share my weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend too. Although, I'm sure not as fun as mine.... LOL :)
Posted by Misty at 8:36 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Chuck E. Cheese
Posted by Misty at 9:07 AM 2 comments