Friday, September 21, 2007

Tae Kwon Do....

Bryan and Hailey started taking Tae Kwon Do classes a few weeks ago. They really enjoy it. As you can see, Bryan really enjoys sharing all his new moves. Surprisingly Hailey is enjoying the class very much. In fact, we only originally put Bryan in but Hailey wanted to try it and she was hooked. She actually looks forward to it and can't seem to wait for the next class. It's kind of comical though. They are not competing against each other or anything like that but for some reason Bryan thinks he is and so ever little bit he looks over at Hailey and says, "I'm beating you..." like na na na na.... Hailey just rolls her eyes and goes on, "like don't make me come over there." But I think it's funny. If nothing else it's great exercise, that's for sure. This momma couldn't do it. LOL


Sharon said...

WOW! I don't want to meet up with Allen in a dark alley, he'll kick my rear. That's great that Hailey is taking lessons too. Are they in the same class?

Misty said...

yeah! it's just one big class, there's even a grown man in there. he teaches them like the basics and breaks them up and focuses on what they need to work on. they enjoy it though.

Sharon said...

Guess I should have said Bryan instead of Allen - of course Allen could maybe kick my rear too. Thought about that while we were swimming this afternoon, I was like "uh - I think I typed Allen and it should have been Bryan".... sorry about that. I do know the difference. lol