Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Then God.....

Yes, this is yet another one of my late night ramblings. But when God reveals just a tid bit of Himself, the excitement is just overwhelming and I have to share it with you. Maybe it will mean nothing to you but maybe to one of you, it will be just as exciting as it has been for me....

I'm taking a Beth Moore Bible study and we are studying about Abraham and Sarah. Anyways, long story short in Genesis, chapter 21 Hagar and Ishmael were sent away by Sarah into the dessert. After walking in the dessert and at the point of death Hagar asks God to not let her see her son die and in verse 18 it says, "Then God...." This hit me like a ton of bricks. These two words just jumped off the page at me. Then God... "Then God opened her eyes..." Then God.... I had to back up and put myself in Hagar's shoes. Had I been Hagar and faced that dessert with the circumstances she did, I would have faced it with anger, pride and bitterness. My attitude about the whole thing probably would have left God out all together, I'm afraid. Then that got me thinking even more. What if, what if.... rather than being bitter and angry, she (I) had faced that dessert, (trial, hurt, pain, struggle) with God and before she took one step into that dessert said, "look God, there's no way I can face this without you. The dessert is too far, too scary, too hard, and for goodness sakes too hot." Do you think she might not have had to go to the brink of death before God stepped in and opened her eyes? Maybe He would have saved her all that pain and suffering. Maybe if her judgment hadn't been clouded she could have seen that what she needed most was right in front of her, she was just too foolish to see it. I think we can all relate to that. I know I can. But have no fear, because when we do finally give in and ask Him for help, there's always a, "THEN GOD..." Then God in all is Wisdom, Glory and Power will step in, open our eyes and save the day..... according to His will and plan for our lives. Isn't that good? "THEN GOD!!!!"