Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lauren's 9th Birthday...

Today is our little Princess's Birthday. She is nine. I can't hardly believe it. My brother came for the weekend so we had cake (Milky Way cake, yum) with him and opened all her presents. She wanted to go back to Fossil Rim so that's were we took her. She asked for a new bike so that's what she got. She had a great birthday! :)


Sharon said...

She's sooooo pretty! I can't believe she's nine either. Doesn't seem like it's been THAT long since we came to see you and she was just six weeks old. She's growing up into a beautiful young lady! I like her bike AND her yellow necklace and earrings.

Bronie said...

happy birthday lauren! i love your new bike, and your socks are rockin'!

we miss you guys bunches.

alicia said...


Man, she is so cute! We are all so blessed to have such sweet daughters!

Thank cake looks way yummy!