Okay, this is a funny and I just had to tell you about it. The boys have been just buggin the snot out of us about Christmas since before Thanksgiving. I mean to the point of just being absurd. So, just playin with them one day, I said, okay you guys aren't getting anything but rocks and sticks, because you just can't hush about it. So we joked with them for several weeks about this. WELL, while at the Dollar Tree I just happened across a bag of rocks and sticks (I wasn't looking for them). And yes I had to buys them. I mean what kind of mother wouldn't. :) So I wrapped them a in a pretty big box and on Christmas Eve they are allowed to open one present. So with a little coxing from their sisters that's the one they chose. I will never forget the look on their poor faces when they saw those rocks and sticks. See Hailey and Lauren had already opened their gifts so I'm sure they weren't expecting that. Bryan actually teared up, I think we broke his heart. Although, we laughed really really hard we did allow them to pick another one. We're not that mean! Well, maybe that was just a little mean. But to be honest I didn't think they'd take it that seriously. But they did and we were awful, mean, horrible, parents for about five more minutes, then we were okay again. But I'm thinking they won't soon forget their sticks and rocks. In fact, when asked what they got, Allen proudly proclaims, Sticks and Rocks! Mr. smarty pants! Oh and the first picture was of them waiting for William to get the camcorder ready. I loved Allen's face. It's like he was thinking, You idiot get that thing going, how long does it take! Just wanted to share some of parental joy that we added to our children's therapy list. Ha! Ha! Ha!
This is Bryan trying to be polite and seem really happy and grateful about
This is Bryan trying hard not to cry and Allen just plain ticked off and trying to think of something nice to say... But nothing is coming to mind right about now...
haha! That is hilarious! I love that you have pictures of it too :) Awesome :) What a fun memory - they'll probably really laugh about it next Christmas :)
That is so funny, y'all are ornery! Love Allen's face, kind of like "what kind of a sick joke is this?" It'd be interesting to know what was going through their minds about that time. lol
That I will never forget!
i have always heard you could receive these as a gift. i have just never personally witnessed it. thanks for the pics. they are too darn funny! he's probably thinking...are you kidding me here? please say you're kidding me. :)
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