A few weeks ago Lauren went to cheer camp. They did tumbling, cheer, and dance. At the end of the week they did a recital for us. It was so cute. Lauren hated the dancing part but I thought it was cute anyways. She's the one with the braids, who is messing with them the whole time. She loved the tumbling and cheer but the dance she said she was no interested in at all. Although she loves to watch "So you think you can Dance" and she might want to do that one day. She said it was just too embarrassing. She was so nervous but she did a good job! She's enjoying the cheering though. So I guess she'll be our Cheer Leader girl. Big surprise, I know... He he he... Drama Queens and cheer go hand in hand. On a side note, how long has it been since you heard "Hey Mickey"? Love it!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Lauren's 1st Cheer & Dance Recital....
Posted by Misty at 11:27 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Boy's are from Mars...
Okay! Really I think, at least my boys are from Mars. I just can't seem to figure them out. Lately they are in to dressing up. I mean they will even invent costumes if necessary. But last Friday we stopped at a garage sale and found these two costumes. You would have thought they had died and gone to heaven. They will even sleep in them. NOT joking! In fact, I have to force them to take them off to be washed. Yuck! I guess this is just a boy thing. I don't know, or maybe mine are just imaginative. They just love it! If they don't have a costume to put on then they will dress up like cowboys or something. It's so silly. But I will admit it's pretty cute to see Spiderman sitting at the table eating lunch or reading a book. He he he....
Posted by Misty at 11:30 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
She's Gonna Blow....
Posted by Misty at 10:11 AM 2 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Bryan's 7th Birthday!!!!
Today is Bryan's 7th Birthday! We have just had little birthdays all week. Thursday we had cupcakes and he opened a few presents with his cousin. Then this morning we had some more cake and opened the other gifts. He's had a good Birthday. He had asked for a Spiderman suit, he loves dressing up, so we got him that and a Game Boy with some games. So I haven't heard a word from him since. Ha! So he's in hog heaven. I don't expect him to move from that spot all day. He's a game nerd. I swear they just suck him in. He completly tunes everything out and is completley focused on his games. It's insane. Anyways! Here's a few shots of him. Have a good one....
Posted by Misty at 12:19 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The View.....
The older I get the more I enjoy the world God has given us to admire. Sometimes it's just breath taking. These are some of the views from our trip. I'm sure I didn't do them justice but I wanted to share them anyways! :)
This is the Prayer Garden at Glorieta. It's absolutely Breath taking...
View of White Sands from the mountains.
Posted by Misty at 10:55 AM 3 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
More vacation shots....
Lava Rock, in Carzozo, New Mexico
This was actually very cool to see. We had never seen lava. There were miles and miles of it. It was interesting. I didn't know how pretty it could be. You wouldn't think of lava as pretty but I thought it was.
Cadillac Ranch
Freezing...... They didn't last but just a few minutes and resorted to throwing rocks in the creek instead. he he he....
Posted by Misty at 1:13 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
We're Home....
We made it home... We are back from our family vacation. We had a great time but sure was glad to get home. We were gone eleven days and the last few were hard. Landon had, had enough and it's crazy being stuck in the car with six kids. I thought I might loose my mind. I seriously considered drugs. Ha! For me and them... Anyways, we first went through Amarillo, Texas and had a great time. We took the kids by the Big Texan and then out to Cadillac Ranch. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a bunch of Cadillac cars buried in the ground and you can come and spray paint them. The kids thought that was way cool. Then we headed into Glorieta, New Mexico. It was absolutely beautiful. Perfect weather the whole week. Like 70's weather. We went up into the mountains and played in the creek one day then we took a trip into Santa Fe one day. It was nice there too. Then we headed on to my grand parents home in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Lot's a trips down memory lane. I loved it. I hadn't been there since I was a kid so I had a great time. We stopped by some lava rocks, went by White sands, and went to the space museum there as well. The kids really enjoyed all of them. Over all we had a great time. Although, Landon was ready to be home about three days ago. He was worn out. I took tons of pictures, like 200. So I'll post more later. I sure missed keeping up with all of you guys. I can't wait to read every one's blog and catch up.
Posted by Misty at 9:43 AM 3 comments