Monday, July 28, 2008

Boy's are from Mars...

Okay! Really I think, at least my boys are from Mars. I just can't seem to figure them out. Lately they are in to dressing up. I mean they will even invent costumes if necessary. But last Friday we stopped at a garage sale and found these two costumes. You would have thought they had died and gone to heaven. They will even sleep in them. NOT joking! In fact, I have to force them to take them off to be washed. Yuck! I guess this is just a boy thing. I don't know, or maybe mine are just imaginative. They just love it! If they don't have a costume to put on then they will dress up like cowboys or something. It's so silly. But I will admit it's pretty cute to see Spiderman sitting at the table eating lunch or reading a book. He he he....


Sharon said...

How funny. We started to buy Bubba a dress-up fireman, doctor, surgeon, something for his birthday. I think he would love to do that too. Okay, is that Bryan as Spiderman? I looked at the eyes but can't really tell.

Misty said...


Sharon said...

Lovin' the new layout! What an awesome picture of the family.

alicia said...

First off - love the new layout - and I really love the picture! Ya'll look great :)

Jake would have freaked out too! That boy is so into Spiderman right now. He has a Spiderman costume, but he really wants a Venom costume too - and a Power Ranges costume... I think that would put him over the edge!
