Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School....

Today all the kiddos went back to school! It was a bitter sweet thing for momma. I enjoy the little bit of quite but I do miss them too. Hailey went off to Junior High today. :( That was kind of sad. Exciting too but more sad. I can't believe she's growing up so fast. It's not fair. Before I know it she'll be in High School. Another big one was Allen. This was his first day of Kindergarten. Yipes! He was so stinkin excited it was just contagious. And yes, we did warn his poor teache profusely! he he he... I can't wait for them to get home and hear all about their day. Lauren started 3rd and Bryan started 2nd grade. Don't expect much trouble out of them. Wow! They are all growing up. Poor little Landon is all by himself. He's called for his sissy a couple of times and put his hands up, like he just can't find her. He'll have to adjust to just mommy. I'm sure he's up to something now! Ha! Just wanted to share the photo's of the first day all in their new clothes. They were equally excited about the new clothes as going to school. Ha! Hope you all have a great day!


Sharon said...

How exciting! First day of school. I always hated to see school start back up after the summer, I missed the kids. I hope yours all come home with great things to say about their day. Hailey looks more and more like you, she's so pretty. Lauren, what can I say? She IS the princess and certainly looks the part! Bryan looks so sophisticated in his glasses, love his spiked hair. Allen, well Allen just looks so happy to FINALLY be in school. I'm sure Landon will miss them but then he might decide he likes having mama all to himself.