Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Baby....

My goodness... where has the time gone? My baby is growing up guys. Yesterday I had to take Hailey to the Junior high for her orientation thing. She got her schedule, lockers, etc. I have so many different emotions with this new part in our lives. I'm excited for her but at the same time nervous and scared for her. As we walked her schedule yesterday and practiced her locker combinations it made me sad and yet very excited for her too. This is a whole new chapter in her life. She was dreading going back, I think she was just nervous. But since she got to see how it will work yesterday, she's now more excited. I'm probably more nervous than she is. It's just all part of it I guess,huh? I know I can't keep her a baby but man do I want to. She's certainly not a baby anymore being that she's almost as tall as me at 5'4, size ten shoes and only 12 years old. I think she's going to be very tall like her dad. But that's great. I always wanted to be taller, like 5'7. Anyways! Back to the subject. She's in athletics and hopes to get on the Volleyball, Basketball, and track teams. If not this year then hopefully next year. She got in Theater Arts and Photography. She's really excited to take those classes. She still loves animals and has always wanted to work with them in some way. So she started volunteering at our local Animal Shelter. She loves it! I can totally see her running one herself one day. She's totally into that sort of thing. She has a very tender heart with animals. She's just as happy caring for them as she is playing with them. And she doesn't mind the nasty part of it. I don't think I could. It grosses me out. Yuck! She's just growing up and I guess there's nothing I can do about it. Just pray and pray hard! I can't believe how fast this time has gone. Seems like just yesterday she was a baby. Where did the time go???? I pray these are great years for her.


Sharon said...

Where has the time gone? I can't believe she's already headed to junior high. That doesn't seem right. It's a hard step for us moms too, watching our babies grow up.

Bronie said...

i hope she has a great time at school. it's such a tough age. ryan turns 13 tomorrow, and i personally think i'm WAY too young to be the parent of a teenager, but whatever. ;)